Kursus TVET
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Water Engineering and Energy) with Honours


Pengenalan Kursus

The current scenario almost 77% of workforces in water engineering have only spm-level education or lower resulting difficulties for transition to high income industry, referred from ‘Laporan Ekonomi 2009 / 2010, Kementerian Kewangan”. The objective of the program is to enhance skill and knowledge for existing workforce in water engineering sector for high income skilled workers. The program also supports the transformation of national education system to industry led High Technical and Vocational Education and Training (HTVET). The proposed program also can create entrepreneurship opportunity to graduates in water engineering sector, hence increase in number of technopreneur companies in water engineering sector. Based on data from Program Transformasi Ekonomi EPP11 NKEA 1, the potential for new business segments and entrepreneurship is about RM5.7 Billion for a small hydropower scale. The growth of annual investment in water engineering sector can be increase to RM1 Billion by 2025.

The main focus of the programme on design, monitoring, operation and maintenance of water engineering specific for hydropower and energy system:

Design and implement of projects involving hydropower generation, such as electromechanical equipment and transmission systems and civil engineering facilities,
Operate and monitor equipment performance and to make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal performance.
Perform equipment maintenance and repair as necessary according to safety, health and environment standard requirement.

Maklumat Latihan TVET

Tahap Pengajian
Ijazah Sarjana Muda / Tahap 6 / Setaraf

Syarat Kelayakan
1.1 Lulus Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) dengan minimum Gred C (CGPA 2.0) di dalam subjek Matematik dan SATU (1) sains subjek.
Kod Mata Pelajaran Mata Pelajaran Wajib/Pilihan Min Gred
954 Mathematics (T) Wajib C
960 Physics Pilihan C
962 Chemistry Pilihan C
964 Biology Pilihan C

Bil. Mata Pelajaran Pilihan Diperlukan : 1
(Kredit di dalam salah satu subjek sains)


1.2 Lulus Matrikulasi/Foundation/Asasi dengan minimum Gred C (CGPA 2.0) di dalam subjek Matematik dan SATU (1) subjek sains

Jenis Sijil/Diploma : Foundation/Matrikulasi/Asasi
Mempunyai Foundation/Matrikulasi/Asasi Dari Institusi yang mempunyai akreditasi penuh (Full Akreditasi) dari MQA atau mana-mana badan pengikhtirafan yang diluluskan Kerajaan Malaysia
Minimum CGPA : 2


1.3 Diploma dalam bidang Kejuruteraan atau Kejuruteraan Teknologi dengan minimum CGPA 2.0

Jenis Sijil/Diploma : Diploma (Selain Diploma Kemahiran)
Mempunyai Diploma Dari Institusi yang mempunyai akreditasi penuh (Full Akreditasi) dari MQA atau mana-mana badan pengikhtirafan yang diluluskan Kerajaan Malaysia
Minimum CGPA : 2


1.4 Lulus Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM) dengan minimum CGPA of 2.50

Jenis Sijil/Diploma : Diploma (Selain Diploma Kemahiran)
Mempunyai Diploma Vokasional Malaysia Dari Institusi yang mempunyai akreditasi penuh (Full Akreditasi) dari MQA atau mana-mana badan pengikhtirafan yang diluluskan Kerajaan Malaysia
Minimum CGPA : 2.5


1.5 Lulus Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM)/ Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM)dengan minimum CGPA of 2.50

Pengurusan Operasi Pengagihan Air [CM-021-4:2014] Atau

Pembantu Ahli Teknologi Kawalan Proses [CM-030-4] Atau

Pengurusan Operasi Loji Pemprosesan Air [CM-060-4:2012] Atau

Pengurusan Operasi Instrumentasi Bekalan Air [E360-003-4:2019] Atau



Tempoh Pengajian
48 Bulan

Prospek Kerjaya
Graduates from the BET Water Engineering and Energy program have the opportunity to work with government as a scientist and policy maker involved in hydropower and energy development. Also, in educational institutions, environmental management, and private companies such as follow:

Hydropower industries
Energy and renewable energy industries
Water management industries (in irrigation, drainage, flood protection, and river basin)
The graduates may further their studies at the local universities or international universities in related programme, i.e.: Hydropower Engineering Technology, Energy and Renewable Energy Engineering Technology, Hydrology Engineering Technology, and Water Resources Engineering Technology.

The marketability of the program is enhanced by offering courses that emphasize the development of skilled human capital as competent skilled workers, in line with IR4.0 standard and industry requirements.

Butiran Penyedia Latihan TVET

Nama Institusi
Seksyen 14, Jalan Teras Jernang, Bandar Baru Bangi
Nik Kamarul Izwan
+603 – 8913 2800
Laman Web

Lain-lain Maklumat

Lain-lain Maklumat Berkaitan
Water Engineering and Energy

Semester 1
Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia (TITAS)
Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 2
Fundamental English
Professional English 1
Calculus 1

Semester 2
Isu-Isu Kotemporari Muslim di Malaysia
Culture and Lifestyle Malaysia
Electrical Principles
Statics and Dynamics
Material Science
Workshop & Practice
Engineering Drawing
Co-Curiculum 1

Semester 3
Calculus 2
Basic Programming
Hubungan Etnik 1
Pengajian Malaysia 3
Fluid Mechanics
Sustaianable Energy
Analog and Digital Electronics
Engineering Etnics

Semester 4
Statistics For Engeering Tecnology
Professional English 2
Instrumentation Systems
Electric Machine
Hydraulic & Hydrology
Fundamental of Civil and Structural Design
Occupational Safety & Health

Semester 5
French 1
Project Management
hydraulic Structures and Hydropower Design
Advanced Energy Conversion
Power Electronics and Auxiliary
Industrial Control Technology
PLC and Insdustry Technology

Semester 6
French 2
Final year Project 1
Power System Design and Operation
GIS and Remote Sensing for Water Engineering
Economics of Energy
Water Quality Analysis

Semester 7
Final Project 2
Innovation Management
Hydropwer Potential and Feasibility Study
Enviromental and Impact Assessment (EIA)
Energy Management and Efficiency
Reserviors Operation

Semester 8
Industrial Training